

The word "fam·i·ly" Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another.

The Joy of Love Day 01

02 February 2011
I started the Joy of Love classes.  Not only to learn something, but to really take a step back and look at life, at what god has given me.  And though this task is still so new, it is not hard to see the beauty in life.  To take a look at the little things.

The things they do, the way they look.

These were my first two photos I had to share.

Day 01 - What they do.  Now I knew I wanted to photograph Corey, he is never really the center of my photos, they always seem to focus on the girls, and although I love my girls with all my heart and soul, I also love my husband, I think sometimes I take him for granted.  So he was my subject for this first task.  I thought about what he does, what does he love to do.  Well what I though was going to be easy ended up being a little more difficult.  He works, lots.  But I can't follow him to work.  He loves to snowboard and we we not about to pack up and drive an hour to take a photograph.  Then a friend had said she was going to photograph her son playing his guitar.  DING!  Music... he loves music, and he is pretty darn good at playing his one of 3 guitars, and although he doesn't play them as often as I would like him to, he loves doing that.  So I copied.

The result was awesome!  I loved the light coming form behind him.  I love the concentration on his face.  I love this picture, this is what Corey loves.  And I love him for that.
