We are calling all our life angels! Thats what we like to call all our family and friends! We have a fund raiser coming up June 26, 2010. It is for
The Fraser Valley Child Development Centre. This is an amazing organization that just recently seen funds cut by our lovely government. This amazing family of specialists have come together to welcome each special child in communities around British Columbia. They have resources, classes, specialists like speech, occupational, physio the list goes on! And all of it is free. Not only have they provided us with knowledge and skills. They have also supplied us with special toys, feeding utensils, books, and videos. These people come into our home with nothing but care and the drive to help any way they can. You can meet Nevaeh's IDP worker
here. I know it is short notice but our goal is to raise $500.00. Please come out support us and the centre, or if you can not attend you can send us a donation, by mail, or call me I would be happy to meet you! Thanks to all our angels!
Maëlle helped me with the laundry today she was a very talkative, happy little helper. She did an amazing job keeping the towels warm, and me company while I folded them. I love these quiet moments we share together.
Thanks in advance!
p.s. stay tuned I will be working with
Fashion Touch to do a free give away!!
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