

The word "fam·i·ly" Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another.

A Very special Lady

04 May 2010
Hearing the words "your a good mom" are words that hit deep down and give me a sense of pride, accomplishment,  and hope.  I try to give my girls everything I can, my time, my love, my hugs, my kisses, my wisdom, my discipline.  I want them to grow up and feel they can do whatever it is they put their minds to.  That in life what makes you happy is you.  Not things, or money.  But love, family, the little things.
Today we were blessed with a visit from a lady who has been here for us as a family.  She is a Infant Development Specialist.  And she is amazing.  She has never come to my house and given us anything more then encouragement.  She has, from day one provided us with information, advice, & suggestions.  She has never overwhelmed me or told me to do this or not to do that.  Raising a child with special needs can be different, but I want to make life for Nevaeh as normal as possible.  She like any other child she will face difficulties hers may be a little different.  I want her to know she, like any other child will get over those humps and move on.  Faye has shown me that is possible.  And for that I thank her.

We are very lucky in life to know many people like Faye.  Our families, & many friends.  These special people will never know how much they are appreciated and loved!

I have been working on Nevaeh's first album and today I have been working on her birth pictures.  My whole pregnancy and the day Nevaeh was born was such a roller coaster ride, that looking at these pictures makes me really want to live that day over again.  It was one of the best days of my life,  it was also a day where all my worries, and fears were put to rest.  This day made me a better person.  And I have only one person to thank for that.  Nevaeh.  xoxo

Today I am enjoying life.
