

The word "fam·i·ly" Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another.


08 June 2010
Everyone has goals.  I think it is a great thing to have, and to look back to see if you achieved them, you can look at how long it took you, & how you did it etc.  I find myself setting goals all the time whether it may be a big goal or something really little like actually finishing the laundry this week.  Okay that may not be considered a little goal more like a mediocre (did you know that is an actual word?)  goal.  One I never seem to complete, but I find myself still setting it for myself every week.  What would it be like if I didn't set these goal?  would I be turning my clothing inside out?  yikes.


I am so proud of my girls, especially Nevaeh she has really come a long way from where she was almost two years ago.  With her heart condition.  she was failing to thrive, but with that smile, that little ray of sun shine, you would have never known.  You would have never thought she should have been too sick to eat, move around let alone learn how to roll over, or hold her head up, all the things little healthy babies learn to do.  Nevaeh was not healthy.  Looking back at pictures and videos I can see it now, I can see how sick she was, but how she never let that get in her way.  My little love is strong, strong, stronger then I, you or anyone else will EVER know.  And I am so Proud of her for that.

She has goals, I set goals for her to work towards, she may not know it, but we help her work towards reaching them.  It's hard to set goals for someone else let alone someone you have only known a short time. I know and understand she has some special needs and when setting her goals I have to take that into consideration.   I don't want to set them too high, or too low.   I have to be sure I set ones she can reach.  I looked over her goals we set a year ago.  To see what she has done.   This little love has not only reached every single one, she has surpassed them with flying colors!  One of her goals was for her to be crawling and holding her self up to stand.  She is not only standing on her own, she is walking, running, kicking, and we are just starting to work on jumping.  Another was actively using 5-10 signs.  She knows over 80 signs and have no doubt she knows and will use them.




So the summer has decided to grace us with it's presents, now that we are almost 1/4 of the way through June.  Sad that it has been so cold and rainy here.  But the Almanac says it will be a dry hot summer so we will see.  For the month of June it says rain, rain and well more rain.  It seems it was right for the month of May.  So it seems Summer will just be here for a short visit, then make it here to stay debut around the end of June.  So we will enjoy every bit of sunshine mother earth shares with us.




My flower beds we planted a few weeks back look like they are doing well, I mean they are still alive!  I took out the macro lens today and set up a little mini flower shoot, tripod, and release cord and all!  I was about 1/2 way into setting up when little Maëlle (as cute as she is) decided to ruin all my fun.  I got in a few  shots before I took her in to settle her before the neighbors started to peek through the cedar trees.




Back to goals I just achieved a goal, by finishing this post before the babies woke up from their naps! Yea mommy!

On an exciting note Nevaeh said "ah-po"  all while signing apple on my cheek.  This is big!  She is starting to say words real words!
