

The word "fam·i·ly" Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another.

My Garden is lovely

16 May 2010
Everyday I look into the eyes of my girls I often wonder what are they thinking at that moment,  do they think like we (grown ups)  do they wonder the same things as us, do they try to make sense of things like we do?  They can't their views are so young and fresh.  They are too busy worrying about the bubbles in the bath or running out of juice in their sippy cup.  We are so full of opinions, and what if's, we judge and discriminate.  Even if we don't think we do, we do.   We get jealous and swear, fight, get angry over the littlest thing.  Why?  why do we do this?  If we could only think like children think, they have so much love they don't judge or gossip.  Everyday is a new day they don't dwell on the past they forgive and forget so quickly.    But yet in their young ways they are so wise.  Smarter then any of us (grownups) give them credit for.  They teach us... how to love like they do, how to dance, and sing how to smile and laugh at really anything,  like today planting a tree was a wonderful thing for Nevaeh she hugged that little tree, it was hers.


We laughed at the dirt in her hair, the sand in her teeth and the water drenched jeans she wore for a whole 10 mins.  This was our day.


We shopped for flowers, and special fruit trees, that we will watch grow for many years.  We will enjoy picking the fruit, eating it, making pies.  Many more memories will come from these trees.  And I am looking forward to sharing these with my girls.  And hopefully with their children.




After a long day of shopping, and planting and watering we enjoyed looking at what we had accomplished.  We enjoyed our view.  We will enjoy watching these flowers grow and bloom,  just like I will enjoy watching my family grow and bloom. Everyday my little flowers grow bigger and brighter.


I am so glad my garden is a perennial.
