

The word "fam·i·ly" Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another.

All the small things...

19 April 2010
Laying in bed this morning it took every ounce of my being to pull my lazy body out of bed.  I knew it was going to be one of those days.  One of those days where all I wanted to do was stay in bed, with the covers pulled up to my chin just thinking and running through my head, half sleeping half awake.  It didn't help I had a headache.   Hearing Nevaeh playing in her crib yelling every so often to let me know she was awake and ready for the day put a smile on my face.  Thank goodness for my babies, or I would have stayed in bed.

Today was a day of enjoying the small things, I took note of many.  The multiple kisses from Nevaeh, it was almost like "no that one wasn't good enough, here is another, nope still need one more..."  It was a day of many do over kisses.  I love it!  Corey came home at lunch with a package for the girls.  I also love these.  I noticed how the parcel was signed "Love Grandma Jacquie Dzioba"  This also made me smile.  I smelt the girls many times through out the day, oh how I missed their smell (having a cold the last week I had lost that one of the five senses I didn't really think meant anything until you can't use it).  Nevaeh yawned as she came in for yet another kiss and her breath was as sweet as "breadfruit pudding"  I have no idea what breadfruit pudding smells like but I am sure it's pretty sweet.  (from one of my favorite stories).

This afternoon while nursing Maëlle, I had one of those eye locking moments.  It ended in us both smiling at each other.  Maëlle is growing and changing so quickly, I have keep enjoying these small things.  It those small things that keep me going, a lot of those moments get looked over and forgotten, thats why I am so thankful for a day of the small things.

Today was a off day for me, but my girls keep me on!


Jete said...

Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the new pics!! Gorgeous girls.