

The word "fam·i·ly" Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another.

Backwards day

17 April 2010
Well today was a lovely lazy day!  I started the dreaded laundry that has been pilling up the last 2 weeks.  Feeling under the weather this last week has put the laundry on hold, so the pile was a biggie!  When I sort it kinda sounds like this as I talk to myself...
white, dark, gross, ahh cute, dark, dark, white, cute, gross, cute, cute, pink and cute, white, looks like it suppose to be a white sock, but looks brown gross, so on and so forth...  The first pile to go in to the washer is the cute little pink clothes.  This is the one pile I don't mind washing, folding and putting away.  Today was a sad day folding the little pink sleepers.  Maëlle is growing and I am packing up her NB size and putting them back into storage.  Folding them all in two cute little piles, awing and holding them up in the air remembering.  She is growing so fast, I am not used to that, at all.  Nevaeh stayed so little for so long.  Dressing Maëlle the other day I remembered buying Nevaeh the sleeper for her to have in the hospital when she went in for her open heart surgery.  Nevaeh was 6 months old at that time.  Holy cow Maëlle is wearing it a 2 months old.  I guess that is normal.  Maelle is wearing 3 month sleepers now, and it wont be long before we will have to pack those up as well.  One thing is for sure Maëlle has long thin feet, so they tend to grow out of the actual sleeper before her body does.

Before dinner we packed up the girls and headed to the new ice cream shop in town.  YUMMY.  yep we had ice cream before dinner and it was delish!!  I love ice cream.  I had the Chocolate peanut butter, and Corey had the strawberry, banana.  Neaveh shared ours.

Before bed today Nevaeh played with her birthday present.  A My Little Pony that you feed with a bottle, and we just noticed that it talks when you press the button on her hoof.  This was exciting, and I am sure we will be hearing this little pony ask to be fed over and over again. 

Neaveh is a great little pony owner.  She feeds her, burps her,  kisses her (she makes the smack sound by clicking her tongue).  She loves her pony!  

Here is a picture of the tulips we picked yesterday.  When I woke up this morning I was so pleased with the way they were standing.  They are so pretty.