Little Maëlle is stretching in her swing, I love new baby stretches, they crunch up and their little bum sticks out. One of my favorite thing about babies.
On a different note...
We spent a better of the afternoon playing in a rainbow field of tulips! What a beautiful place and thing to do. We walked and picked flowers, we played in the dirt, and Nevaeh even had a taste of dirt. She wore jeans to crawl in, and I really didn't care how dirty she got, as long as she had fun! And that she did. She is growing so fast and seems to amaze me in every shape and form. One thing she did today was stop to smell the flowers...
She enjoyed playing in the dirt, crawling around. She had a hard time and at one point would crawl up the tiny hill on her belly, turn around and go down the other side of the "little" hill, just like she would if she was coming down the stairs.
It was too cute. This little girl melts my heart. I love her to bits. One big part of me is so proud of her and another selfish part of me wants her to stay little forever. I know she will contine to grow and change. But no matter what she will always be my little girl!
We had picked our flowers for the day, and I made my way back to the stroller, looked in and seen this wide eyed smilie dark haired baby looking back at me. The I felt awful, I was so wrapped up in take all these pictures I forgot about Maëlle... Yikes. She was so good and quiet chilling in the shade. I picked her up and kissed her. I love how no matter what, my kids will look at me like I am a hero or the best thing in the world. She didn't feel left out or forgotten, she was just happy...
I plopped Maëlle down in the isle of tulips. She loved it it. She looked around at all the beautiful flowers with wide eyes. She was comfy and cool laying in the shade.
An amazing friend who inspite of a sore foot, and a long drive she came out to see us!
Here are a few of her and her little button!
And my favorite picture of the day!
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