The girls are amazing! Maëlle is teething a top tooth and so far has been a pretty good teether. Nevaeh I think may be coming down with something, not 100% sure but last night she stayed up with most of the night cuddling and hugging. Trying my best to calm a restless babe.
With a basement full of dirty laundry to wash, fold and put away, decorations still to put up, cleaning to do, baking, cards to sign and mail, and christmas presents to make, wrap and send out. I can't help but to feel a little overwhelmed and when I hear the countdown only "19 days till Christmas" I begin to panic. So to calm that panic feeling I find myself making lists... what to do, when to do, how important is it, really. And the list will grow short and manageable, cause I know I can do it I can do anything... right?
So here I type enjoying the crackling t.v. fireplace, (the one that wont burn little fingers) and Christmas music. Trying my best to get in a good post, so I can head over to the list and start crossing off the to do's, one chore at a time, with a smile knowing Christmas morning in our house with the girls is growing near one day at a time. So really what is important??
That answer is so easy!
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