The air is filled with this snowy chill and I am drawn to the exciting feeling that Christmas is near, and all that makes Christmas the most magical holiday of the year. With christmas carols quietly playing in the malls, the soft scents of cinnamon, warm ginger bread or the smell of pine drifting through the air. The feeling of giving and helping others. The sounds of crunchy snow beneath you feet. The hats, sweater, gloves, and scarfs. The way people blow on their hands only trying to warm them for a few seconds. The sound of the ever famous people who donate their free time to stand outside in the cold, jingling their christmas bells wishing everyone who walks pass a "Merry Christmas". The way children light up when they see Santa. So with Fall coming to an end I am thrilled to welcome winter. Below is my to do list:

Read 3 books

Break out the tree and decorate by December 1st.
Start working out again and eating better.

Have all Christmas presents bought and wrapped before the 15th of Dec.

Make a snow Angel and teach Nevaeh to make one.
Go snow boarding at least twice Only once :(

Buy and wear a fantastic christmas sweater

Take the girls sledding everyday we have enough snow.
come up with the best, yummiest hot chocolate recipe, name it and serve it at your cookie exchange.

Bake cookies with the girls for Santa (we did a test run)

Write my own letter to Santa

Enjoy a quiet hot chocolate in front of a wood burning fire.

Sell 100 heart bracelets. 15 down only 85 to go!

Sign up for at least 2 photography courses. Done one! Loved it!

Get out and photograph the snow
Finish Maëlle's book and have it printed by her 1st birthday
Plan both girls birthday bash
Potty train Nevaeh by her birthday. We are looking at more like September.
Take the girls ice skating

Just sit and watch the snow fall

Plan an amazing kid friendly New Years Party up on the mountain
Attend the Santa Clause Parade. Missed it. :( Had other plans the same evening.

Help the less fortunate
Host a game night with friends

Live, love and Laugh! We are ALWAYS doing this!
This last week we returned back to play group, where Nevaeh plays and Maëlle crawls and voices her independence!
We all sit in a circle and sing songs, we dance, clap and row our little carpet boats.
We eat messy food and take pictures of our cute messy faces!
And we take a test run of our baking skills. We did good minus a kid drool, and the fact they were a little hard. It only give us something to practice!
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