Last night coming home from a wonderful birthday dinner with a close friend and a very wonderful husband. We stopped in at the post office to mail our Christmas cards when we were informed only 8 mailing days left. And a lady who clearly worked at the store kept shouting only 11 days until Christmas, I am sure only wanting to scare her customers into buying the remains of their missing christmas presents in a panic. I am happy to say " I am DONE " DONE! It feels so good to be able to cross this from my shrinking list. Me being one of those scared customers. Some one is getting shampoo this year. In my defense it smells really good.
These last days have left me no time to write a decent post let alone even think of one.
Today I found myself slipping into the same frame of mind from previous years, how one day can have so much craziness attached to it? How in only 10 short days it will all be over, we will all be sitting on the floor surrounded by piles and piles of loose torn paper, boxes strewn about. But what makes this day so special is in amongst the mess, you will hear laughter. You will see smiles, and family. You will catch a whiff of fresh brewed coffee, and feel the warmth of the cup in your hand. And for a brief moment time will slow, taking in every small, what seems meaning less thing. I mean everything. So that when you sit back and think, you will remember. It will play back in slow motion.

I have so many thing that need to be done, wrapping, baking, cleaning, cooking, shopping (groceries). So to keep my mind focused on the season and not the day I am drawn to the christmas music that plays over and over. And the holiday log that stays crackling and burning all day and all night. I long for the sun to set so I can plug in the christmas light, and watch the girls play in the soft warm glow of a twinkling tree. I take on one thing at a time. let my heart tell me what is important and what is not. What needs to be done first and what can wait. Taking time to breathe, and laugh. Setting the Christmas bar high.
(t.v. fire)
So in the mist of folding laundry, cleaning, making 7 doz. batches of peanut brittle, elfing my family, and quietly begging my children to rest well and long. I am trying my best to make Christmas meaningful.
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