

The word "fam·i·ly" Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another.

Another day another post...

18 August 2010
These last few day have slowly crept by like a snail going up hill.  It seems that when you have something really exciting to look forward to time creeps, but when you wanting time to stand still it seems to go so fast.  I promise I have not been bored.  I have been keeping myself and the girls busy, busy, busy.  We are cleaning, rearranging, planning, & re-planning.  GRANDMA AND GRANDPA are on their WAY!!  Yipee we are so excited.  This will Maëlle's first time meeting her Grandpa.  And Grandma hasn't really seen her (Skype does not count) in six months.

On a "time has gone by so fast" note, Maëlle turned 6 months yesterday.  It is hard to believe a whole six months ago this little person entered our family and made it that much better.  She has made Nevaeh a sister, and her daddy and I a second reason to be thankful.  As the days flow by like a fast moving stream, she grows and changes, she learns and teaches.  She musters up the most amazing little giggles and screeches.  And most importantly she has her mommy wrapped completely around her little finger.






I have some really exciting news, like really.  No I am not pregnant (thank goodness) I am enjoying spending all my time with two little girls not sure what I would do with 3.  Well not yet anyways.
I don't want to jinx it so I will be back in a few days to post all about it.  I guess it gives you another reason to poke back in every once in a while to see if I have posted. Mwaa ha ha ha ha.... ( i'll give you a hint at the bottom of the post)

If there is one thing that bugs the heck out of me (and I have always want to keep this blog on a positive note but...)  We attended our cities "party in the Park" on friday.  And I was so amazed, no shocked how many people, lets call  them "smokers".  Lit their cancer sticks in the open around kids, elderly & babies.  They really had no care or concern about anyone but them selves and getting their nicotine fix.  I was absolutely dumbfounded by the response of a "smoker" my husband approached asking him politely (I might add) to extinguish his "smoke" he asked "why?".   What??  "WHY"  "I'll show you why!" That what I wanted to say, but Corey politely explained to him this was a "non smoking" public event, and that his cancer causing  fumes (okay he might have said smoke) were blowing directly in his children's faces.  Now I am not a smoker but if I was I would put it out right?  Not him he hid it between his knees, out sight out of mind?  (sigh) Man the nerve.  Just saying.

Just got off the phone with City Talent.  They are adding Nevaeh and Maëlle to their roster!  Yep they have talent baby!  Don't get me wrong I will not push any of my kids to anything they don't want to, but if it works it works!  Very exciting!  I think it may be a cause for celebration, heck all the great news I have been receiving this last week, is cause for celebration!

I get my best dinner ideas nursing Maëlle in the middle of the night.  Last night was stuffed chicken breast.  Yummy.  At the time I had no idea what I was actually going to stuff them with or how I was going to do it, but one thing I did know that it was going to be so delish!  And like always, I was right.




Now we can not forget about some photos of Nevaeh.  Here she is with a little friend of hers.  His twin brother came to visit one morning.  They had so much fun.  They all played so well, you would think having 2 extra 2 year olds would make things harder, but it didn't.  I would have to say it was easier, they kept each other so occupied.



Hint hint: I have to get my hair done and buy a new outfit... (too bad huh?)  ;)
