It was a busy week with good company! The weather wasn't the best. We were still able to get out enjoy the green grass, chirping birds and fresh air. I really enjoy when family and friends come out to visit, it is nice for people to see how we live, see what we like to do. It is so often we travel, this summer is our summer to stay home enjoy our deck "my office" and have company come our way!

Maëlle is growing so fast it is scary! She is sitting with a nursing pillow around her and seems to love her bumbo chair. What a great little invention! She loves being a part of the family and siting with us while we eat. She is sleeping less and smiling more. She coos, and talks up a storm and my favorite thing she is doing is when she sees me coming for her she gets so excited her little body becomes all stiff and she has this crazy little high pitch squeal. I love it. It almost feels like she is reaching up for me!

Life is quiet now, but a good quiet!
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