

The word "fam·i·ly" Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another.

So many things to do, so little time.

30 April 2011
I have neglected my blog.... Again!!  I know I know!  But I have to admit this is what it will be like from now on I am afraid.  I just have so many things on the go that I can seem to find enough time in a week to sit down and do a "real" blog post.  You know the ones that pull on the heart strings and really make you think....

Today was a fantastic day!!  We have been planning this day for awhile now.  After Angela and I were on BC Global Morning News we received an email from a lady named Negar... she was a student form the BCIT broadcast and journalism class.  They wanted to help us, and that they did!  They planned a fun day for the kids (big and little)!

Here are a few photos from the day!

Today was the first time Billie and Angela have met, and I have to say it was LOVE at first sight!

Maëlle getting started

 Nevaeh starting to warm up!

Pictures start!  We were the first to go.  The BCIT students accepted us as a Tiny Light family and even though we fit the bill it still felt funny.  

Nevaeh playing with the long distance echo thing

Our morning was awesome!  But we had to work in the mist of all the fun...
Who calls this work?! (FUN right!?)

 As the day came to an end, kids became tired and hungry!  
We enjoyed lunch at Triple O's at Science world!! THANK YOU!

Angela and Billie also became tired and sore for reasons not to be explained.

The Tiny LIght Team headed outside for our "Photo Shoot"
Thanks to a tripod, timer, and Matt from BCIT.

Dudes??  What the?!

That's better! 

Lordy leave you alone for two seconds.... to check the lighting...

I (& my family) had so much fun today!  

Both girls were so tired!
