

The word "fam·i·ly" Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another.

A year ago today

17 February 2011
One year ago today I can honestly say was one of the best days of my life.  I remember the sun came out and warmed my hospital room.  I remember feeling so good, but a little sad at the same time.  I remember the quietness in the room after all the doctors had left and we held her,  I remember her skin looking so dark, her tiny head full of hair, I remember the cute little white hat they had put on her head,  and the way she slept in her daddy's arms all tightly wrapped up.
I remember feeling so tired, but not wanting to fall asleep because it was such a beautiful day.  The day Maëlle was born.

When I look at her today I see a little girl and my baby.  She has these eyes and this giggle that will draw you in.  She has a laid back personality.  She loves to be carried, held or rocked.  She loves her big sister, and I know they will grow up to be the bestest friends.  She likes to climb, and dance.  She loves to look through her legs, and laugh.  She loves to barry her face in the corner of the couch and roll around.  She is not shy.  She knows what she wants, she knows when enough is enough, and she will tell you.
I love my baby girls more then life itself.
I want them to grow up happy, filled with love, and knowledge.  I want nothing more then for them to grow up... Happy.  Healthy.

~ M


Jag Nagra said...

This is so sweet

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the little lady!