

The word "fam·i·ly" Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another.

10 things

17 June 2010
Earlier today I was reading another blog "SouleMama" I happen to fall upon, and at first I never really thought anything about it.  I read her last post and said I would come back to it, because we were just about to head out the door to Nevaeh's signing class.
The day started out ok, I didn't over sleep, so I was able to get a good breakfast in mine and Nevaeh's belly, Maëlle slept in so I had time to get my self ready for the day.  So the day seemed like it was going to be a good one.
On our way to class the rain was pouring down and it seems like it will never stop, it is becoming to be a little depressing.  We should have blue skies, chirping birds, buzzing bumble bees, a blooming garden.  All the things we love about summer. We get to class and Nevaeh went from the cutiest little thing ever to... hmmm. Well lets just say her strong personality kicked in, and she would not sit still,  she was into everything she shouldn't be in.  I guess she is at the age where she wants to just go and explore.  Plus I think she might be a little old and experienced for  this class, so I am going to look into "tumble time" at the local YMCA.  That she will love.
Anyways... so with the drabby grey skies, a little monster, a hungry baby, to top off my morning I fall walking out of class with one baby on my hip and the other hanging over my arm in her car seat.  And if anyone knows what it is like falling while carrying something as precious as your babies, you tend to do anything to catch yourself so they are safe and don't get hurt, but it always means you will.  I walked away with bruised and cut up knees (and I was wearing jeans).


So all in all today was looking out to be a horrible, no good, very bad day.  Then I remembered the SouleMama's blog 10 things.  So here I go these are my ten things.

1. a smiling pigtailed baby.


2. A smilie bouncing baby.


3. Homemade Apple pie with vanilla ice cream.


4. Vanilla Oreos and good cup of coffee.

5. A scratch ticket (no winner) but Nevaeh sure loved scratching it.


6. Good friends who leave nice messages.

7. A clean bill of health for both my girls.


8. An after bath cuddle.


9. A quick afternoon nap.

and last....

10. Sunshine in the forecast for the weekend :) (well kinda)

This list puts everything in perspective.  I have so much to be thankful for, and nothing to feel sorry about.

 Tomorrow will be a great day!