My day was pure joy and quiet. We spent the whole day outside in what I like to call my "office". The weather was beauty. I have two sun kissed babies with runny noses and dirty toes. Everything I love about summer.
Ahhhhh..... The view from my office?
We skyped the family who live so far. It was nice, we left it on all day so we could peek into their world and they could do the same! Nevaeh is growing to love her Grandma and Grandpa through a computer screen.
Saturday evening Corey and I went out leaving Nevaeh with her favorite babysitter and Maëlle for the very first time. I really don't think any one knows the feeling of leaving something behind you love so much until you become a mother. I must have called that poor girl more times that were actually necessary! Maëlle had trouble taking the bottle and had shed some tears and I am sure some very sad faces with a quivering lip. I assure you it is a very sad sight. None the less it was a night out with high heels, great friends, and some amazing talent!
Today I have been exploring Photoshop and trying to learn some new editing techniques!! It is amazing what a little bit of tweaking can do to a picture this is just a small sample and please I am just learning! But I am loving it!!
She is beautiful!
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